The Famous 15 Interview Types You Need to Know in 2024
Updated on : June 22nd, 2024
Post Views:1,356
With a strong and good built resume, you will reach the interview level; however, different interview types could be used to help the employer evaluate your education, experience, and skills in the best way.
Going through any interview type will help the company and you to know more and figure out if you are a good fit for each other; so, this will help you find out more about the company culture and other details, while they get to know you better.
However, even though there are different types of interviews, yet still there are some basic preparations that you have to do despite the interview type; so, be you, prepare well, and most importantly do not be nervous.
Why Is the Job Interview Process Important?
Job interviews are an important human resources strategy that helps both the company and the job seeker to find their answers about the opened opportunity.
As HR will get to meet the job seeker and know all about him/her to find out more and decide if that person is suitable for the position requirements, and the overall company culture.
On the other hand, the job seeker will get to know more about the opening position, salary, insurance, and other details; moreover, know about the company’s working environment, and whether it is the right place for him/her or not.
How to Prepare for All Interview Types?
Being confident is a key factor in succeeding in the job interview itself, and for you to be confident then you should be ready with all the needed knowledge.
So, start by knowing more details about the company’s history, and project types, and even search more about the interviewer, being prepared will help you to feel more self-reliant and focused during the interview.
On the other hand, you should look good too, so choose a professional outfit with neutral colors, and sleep well; more than that, believe in yourself and keep in mind that there is always another chance.
No matter what is the Job interview type, some questions will be asked despite the company and the position you are applying for, so; prepare the famous questions with basic answers, stay relaxed, and do not be afraid of any changes:
· Tell Me a Little Bit About Yourself, Your Education, and Your Experience?
This is most likely the first question from your interviewer; thus, keep it simple but be proud of yourself and who you are; moreover basically, the employer wants to know your related personal skills and experience to the position.
· What Are Your Qualifications?
Even that the employer knows your CV information, experience and certifications; however, this is your chance to talk about your education and skills from a more related perspective to the position.
· Walk Me in Details Through Your Work History?
The question about your working history will not only include the last positions but probably will include why you left them too; thus, this is a question you need to answer professionally without any related personal details.
· What is The Expected Salary?
With no right answer for this sure question in all interview types, you have to be prepared to negotiate salary by knowing the position salary range and what is the expected salary for your qualifications.
So, yes, you should prepare an answer and be clear that you care about the money, yet it is not your focal point from this work.
· Why Should We Hire You?
Now, you should highlight your importance to the open position, and how your existence is going to add up to the whole company; moreover, this will add confidence to the whole interview.
· What Are Your Future Goals?
This is included in all interview types to help the interviewer know where you see yourself after a few years, and whether you will or not be a long-term player in their team.
This is a definite Yes answer to show that you care about the position itself and the company in general; moreover, this is your opening to clear any extra job-related details you need to know.
15 Job Interview Types You Must Know:
There are different types of job interviews that you need to know about when applying for jobs; furthermore, it is appropriate if you ask about your upcoming interview type:
1. Traditional Interview:
Still, the most famous job interview is where you will have a one-on-one meeting in the company space with one person who could be the business manager, the supervisor, or the possible direct manager for the opening position.
With traditional questions about your related experience, skills, and what you can add to the position.
2. Panel Interview:
Companies use this job interview type when the open position interacts with different departments, or simply when many opinions are needed; however, do not let this stress you out, just stay focused and keep eye contact with the group and with the asking member when answering each question.
More than that, remember to search about interviewers before, to know all the important details in advance.
3. Group Interview:
Do not worry, you can stand out in a group interview.
In this type of interviewing a company would interview several candidates at the same time for many reasons; yet, despite the competitiveness, you should stay calm, polite, friendly, and involved with everyone to avoid a stressful group interview.
Moreover, you should focus on others’ answers during the interview and provide your unique answers.
4. Phone Interview:
An interview type is most likely to be done by the hiring manager, as the first step to filter candidates, with basic questions to find out if they should invite them to the next interview in the company itself.
However, keep in mind to do this in a quiet room without any destruction.
5. Video Interview:
A popular interview type for outsourcing recruitment; especially, with today’s developing technology.
However, as with the traditional interview you should be ready for different work-related questions, and dress up professionally; more than that, consider your video background as it should be neutral, teddy, and quiet with good light to help the interviewer and you stay focused.
6. Lunch Interview / Meal Interview:
This could be considered a friendly type of job interview, where the company invites job seekers for a meal or a cup of coffee in a restaurant to get out of the official working environment.
Moreover, this type is normally used when the company is trying to hunt a specific, most likely a senior, person to convince him/her into joining the company.
7. Stress Interview:
When employers are filling a hard and stressful position, they use specific management tricks including stress interviews among other interview types to find out how you can handle hard and stressful situations.
In this interview tactic, you will be asked to solve weird behaviors and problems; however, to succeed try to stay focused and calm.
8. Case Interview:
As the name reveals, among different interview types, in this type a case would be presented for the future employee with a request to analyze and figure out a solution.
This interview type is most popular in financial, consulting, and technology; however, to win this interview you should read the case’s file deeply and take care of all the details.
9. Job Fair Interview:
Despite other job interview types, here you can reach the company of your dreams, by simply printing many copies of your resume, going to the working fair, and handing the CV to the targeted companies.
Moreover, consider this as a mini-interview to know the company better, and even discover other working possibilities.
10. Behavior Interview:
This is the company’s way to understand your behavior better, and how you could react in different situations, by asking you many behavior questions.
Although, those questions are related to the position you will fill in, but they will also help the interviewer to know your personality and impact on the whole company culture.
11. Competency-Based Interview:
The questions in this job interview type start with you, your skills, and your experience; thus, to be prepared correctly read the job description carefully and highlight the needed skills that you have to figure out most of the questions.
12. Mock Interview:
So far this is the best way to prepare for an interview once you start your job hunting; whether, you do it with a friend or a professional consultant; still, you must take this seriously and prepare as it is an actual interview.
This will help you to hear direct feedback and work on it to improve yourself and succeed in real job interviews.
13. Unstructured Interview:
The casual type is between many job interviews, in this interview, the interviewer will have a few basic questions and will come up with the rest depending on your answers.
Even though this type is unexpected; however, it has lower stress levels than other types.
14. Structured Interview:
The interviewer will have a set of questions for all the candidates depending on the role and the required tasks.
In this type, the employer compares the answers of the candidates to find the best match for the open position, and the company culture, so tries to be unique and fully prepared.
15. Final Interview:
Kind of the last step in the interview process, which most likely means that you are hired; moreover, you will be interviewed by the company CEO.
However, you still should take this seriously, and prepare for the interview carefully; moreover, keep in mind your answers in the previous interviews to keep your answers related
We all have our share of different job interview types, and as professionals, we advise you to always prepare well, and know all the needed information; moreover, be you to find the right position and company, and remember we are here to help you find the best opportunities.