12 Unique Steps to Develop Your Leadership Personality & More
Updated on : June 22nd, 2024
Post Views:2,479
An effective business works by a clear plan step by step, to achieve results; however, to make the business successful you need a unique leadership personality that turns all this planning into an effective strategy for the current time, and for the future.
As the leader is a person who is ready to take action into improving the company’s work, culture, and employees’ development; moreover, should have the right leadership personality that aligns all the circumstances and situations toward goal achievement and revenue increase.
However, all of the above could not happen without the right leadership personality, styles, and steps that combine together to build the best leader for your company.
If the leadership personality and its development are in your interests, then we invite you to keep reading!
Why We Need Leaders?
Leaders are your superheroes who aim to develop your company and gain results; more than that, leadership personality present:
The security as he/she will be capable to solve any problems, or threads.
The vision with new ideas and development to the organization.
The achievement as he/she is capable to achieve the company’s targets.
So, all these fundamental leadership personalities, in addition to humanity’s need for trustworthy leaders tell you why your company do need a strong and capable leader.
On the other hand, leaders also have great skills that improve your company’s organizing flow, motivate your employees to do their best, and actually update their fellow employees’ skills and the company’s strategy.
The Qualities of Leadership Personality:
The sure thing is that you heard a lot about the great qualities of a leadership personality that work together to achieve miracles, get you out of problems, and even improve your workforce retention rate.
With a lot of important personality skills to consider, yet, these are the truly important ones:
· Unique Vision:
A leadership personality, no matter how powerful it is, without a unique vision will be like any other management personality; thus, the leadership vision will help your business to solve the problem, analyze data, improve employee retention rate, and predict the needed future movements.
· Ability to Solve Problems:
Relying on all the leadership resources, with great critical thinking, a leader would be able to not only solve problems, but also put a strong plan to benefit from these problems and avoid any similar issues in the future.
· Motivating:
A leadership personality works to build teams with activities and meetings inside the company or outside it, to build a strong relationship with them; thus, this relationship will motivate employees through their leader’s actions.
· Effective Communicating:
The leadership personality does not want to talk with fellow employees just for the act of talking, on the contrary, this communication must be effective; so, your team will feel like they can reach you anytime for their work-related problems or questions.
· Integrity:
Yes, as simple as that “Integrity”, this leadership personality quality presents the leader with full integrity and transparency to gain employees’ trust; moreover, belief in what the leader is saying and offering.
Styles of Leadership Personality with Examples:
As there are Leadership vs Management differences, there are also different personality styles, as leaders also have their own styles that differ from one leader to another:
· Charismatic Leadership Style:
A leadership personality that stands out with its strong ability to talk and persuade others into believing in the same ideas, will make people follow you by default.
A leader with this leadership style: Steve Jobs during his time at Apple, was able to inspire and motivate employees with his passion and vision.
· Coaching Leadership Personality:
This style does not aim to lead others, but to empower them into making their own effective decisions, by sharing knowledge and providing them with suitable courses.
A leader with this leadership style: Brian Tracy, his coaching leadership style counts on setting clear goals and objectives, and focusing on continuous improvement.
· Autocratic Leadership Personality:
Boss/leader style where this leadership personality wants others to do as they are saying without considering the social aspects, or the general feedback.
A leader with this leadership style: Cyrus the Great, never allowed anyone to dissent or disagree with his decisions and instead imposed his will upon his people.
· Democratic Leadership Personality:
In this style fellow employees also have the chance to express themselves, make decisions, and participate in the different aspects; however, the leader will take the final suitable action.
A leader with this leadership style: Barack Obama, who was known for his collaborative decision-making style, and his ability to bring people together to work toward a common goal.
· Transformational Leadership Personality:
With a goal to transform everything into a better and improved static; moreover, they always give a chance to other followers to speak up and enjoy group brainstorming.
A leader with this leadership style: Nelson Mandela, by inspiring people to be the best version of themselves and to strive for justice, fairness, and equality.
12 Steps to Develop Leadership Personality:
Now, if you are a leader, or aiming to be, developing your leadership personality is a must to be the leader everyone considers job hunting to be in your team:
1. Constantly Learning:
With too many possibilities at the current time, you can easily learn new skills with online courses that are also available from elite universities; on the other hand, you can also learn from the different real-life experiences going around you.
2. Be a Good Listener:
People’s ability to reach you to tell you their problems, and discuss different situations is a huge step towards becoming a leader; furthermore, listening to them carefully will encourage them to always reach you which will make you an actual leader.
3. Take Care of Your Emotional Well-being:
As a leader, you will deal with a lot of stress, problems, and details which is why having emotional stability will help you to think clearly, take the right and useful decisions; moreover, to spread trustworthy vibes under difficult situations.
4. Always Available:
Drawing a picture of always available is a huge step in developing your leadership personality, as this will make the followers feel like you got their back, and they can reach you for any issue-solving, which will help them trust you even more.
5. Read Into Different Personalities:
Learning how to read into people’s personalities is a great improvement for any leadership personality, not only to know how to communicate with others, and get them faster, but also to solve critical situations more effectively.
6. Confidence:
Letting your people know how much you trust your decisions and analyzing work, after doing all the required research, will make them believe in your decision and trust your work no matter how sensitive the situation is.
7. Empower Your Team:
This is not about providing the right courses for your team, but actually about knowing how to talk and motivate your workforce, because eventually you are not going to work alone, and the stronger your team is, you will be too.
8. Set Clear Goals and Expectations:
Use S.M.A.R.T goals to tell your teams what are your plans for each ongoing project, as this leadership personality will not only make things clearer for your people but also help them to focus more and empower their productivity just because they know where they are going.
9. Lead by Example:
Simply do not ask people to do what you will not do, as this will make them feel that you think less of them or simply throw the low-profile work on them; moreover, this bad management mistake will decrease your company’s productivity and culture.
10. Be Open to Feedback:
As we said earlier, being available for your people is a great leadership personality quality; however, this should not only include conversations and answering questions as it should also involve your employees’ feedback whether we are talking positive or negative.
As this will help you to know what your people think about your leadership qualities, and work process; moreover, hear their development of creative ideas.
11. Promote Collaboration:
A successful leader can promote collaboration by encouraging team members to work together, highlighting these collaboration outputs, and fostering a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to speak up about their ideas.
This can be done by providing opportunities for team members to interact with each other, on the personal and business levels; moreover, establishing protocols that encourage a culture of trust, open dialogue, and collaboration.
12. Celebrate Successes:
A great leadership personality, that shows your real quality, is celebrating others’ accomplishments as a leader, whether you did though internally, through the company’s LinkedIn profile, or by throwing a gathering for your employees to celebrate.
One last word,
Working to develop your leadership personality must be your ultimate goal for the seek of yourself and your business as well; moreover, this should be a running process, as long as you are working, to spread good vibes and improve your methods
Keep in mind, that our agency is a call away to help you find the best leader for your business.